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Maintenance Engineering and Management

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Introduction :
MEM : - Maintenance Engineering and Management can be defined as the effort made to provide a service so that the physical attributes of a plant and utilities can continue to operate on an optimum level.
Maintenance  : -  It can be defined as an activity or set of activities in order to keep equipment in working condition.
Objective of Maintenance : - To unkeep equipment for prolonging the life, assuring instant operational readiness.
Reliability : - The reliability of a product is the probability of performing it's intended function over its specified life.
Hazard Rate : - Hazard Rate is the instantaneous speed of failure.
There are three types of hazard models:
1. Constant Hazard Method
2. Linear Hazard Rate
3. Non-linear hazard models
Logic Diagrams : - Logic Diagrams is another name of block diagram. There are of following three types:-
1. Series connections
2. Parallel connections
3. Mix connections
MTTF : - Mean Time To Failure is the reciprocal of the constant hazard rate.
Redundancy : - In this technique more number of components than actually required for operation are connected  in parallel in order to increase the reliability of system.
Maintainability : - It is defined as the probability that a device will be restored to its operational effectiveness within the given period, when maintenance action is performed in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
Availability : - It may defined as the probability that the system is operating satisfactorily at any point when used under started conditions.
There are four types of availability :-
1. Intrinsic availability
2. Equipment availability
3. Mission availability
4. Instantaneous availability
Breakdown Maintenance : - In this type of Maintenance , not to do anything until, unless the machine ceases to function. Therefore, no work is done till a component or equipment fails or becomes inoperative.
Planned Maintenance : - It is the Maintenance organised and carried out with fore-thought , control and records, to predetermined plan. In this system, the emphasis is on the machine's needs, and the expected requirements of machinery.
Preventive Maintenance : - It is the utilisation of planned and coordinated inspection, repairs and replacement needed in maintaining an equipment or plant.
One of the main aims of this is to detect any condition that may causes machine failure before such Breakdown occurs.
Design Out Maintenance :- It is a system that aims to eliminate,  and if that is not possible,  then to minimize the need for maintenance to the lowest possible level. It is also known eliminative Maintenance.
Total Productive Maintenance : - It is the process tries to eliminate the main factors of the production losses, the faults , the registration,  the setting changes, the defective pieces. The elimination process of the above causes , starts from the plant reset, then the autonomous Maintenance and, finally,  programming and planning the Preventive Maintenance.
Planned Lubrication  : - proper Lubrication requires a good technical design for Lubrication and a set of proper management and control system to ensure that every item is properly lubricated , this system is called planned lubrication.
Replacement : - a replacement is called for whenever new equipment offers more efficient or economical service than the old and existing one.
Reasons for Replacement : - There are four reasons for replacement :
1. Deterioration
2. Obsolescence
3. Inadequacy
4. Working Condition
Failure Mechanism : -1. Gradual failure
2. Sudden failure -progressive failure, Retrograssive failure and Random failure.
Categories of Replacement Situation : - 
Categories :
1. Replacement of capital equipment that becomes worse with time .
2. Replacement of items that fail completely all of a sudden.
3. Problems of mortality and staffing.
Individual Replacement : - Under this policy, an item is replaced immediately after its failure.
Group Replacement : - Under this  policy, decision is taken as to when all the items must be replaced irrespective  of the fact that items have failed and have not failed.
Breakdown Maintenance Planning : - It is defined as the process of execution has already occurred.
Minimum Cost Service Rate : - Minimum Cost Service Rate is the balance between two conflicting costs:
1. Cost of offering the services , and
2. Cost incurred due to delay in offering the services.
PERT : - It is the basic network technique which includes planning, monitoring and control of projects.  It is applied in planning and controls of complex set of tasks, functions and relationships.
Maintenance Management : - It involves critical decision making at various levels . It includes  decisions related to operations and overall economic performance.
Manpower Planning : - Manpower Planning is a process in which the demand and supply  of labour are equated.
Spare Part Planning : - It is process of identification of critical spares and supply of quality spares to reduce the Maintenance cost.

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